The Wonder Years > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Wonder Years





한국 | 2007 | 94min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Probably no one grows up without experiencing the thought of not being understood and being all alone in this world, burdened by one’s own depressing secrets that could never be shared with anyone else. The Wonder Years is a coming-of-age film which journeys into those times described as adolescence. Soo-ah who just entered middle school, is a thirteen year old girl living with her mother, Young-joo who runs a diner. The reality that surrounds her is too hard for the reserved Soo-ah to bear: her dad had passed away and her mother cannot give her the time of day as she is too busy making ends meet. To make matters worse, her attempt to get closer to a friend fails. One day after a big fight with her mother, Soo-ah leaves home for Seoul to meet a famous singers‘Yoon Seol-young’who she believes is her real mom. At the age of thirteen, it is easier for Soo-ah to fantasize Yoon, a glittering star as her mother than to accept her real mother along with her miserable reality. This film presents composed and in-depth insight on the pains of growing up. The delicate music by rock band Jawoorim effectively conveys the emotional currents of adolescence. (Hwang Hei-rim)​​


  • 김희정
    • 김희정
    • 1970년 서울출생. 서울예술대학과 폴란드 우쯔 국립영화학교를 졸업했다. 단편 <아버지의초상>, <만남>으로 시카고 영화제, 뮌헨 영화제 등에서 수상하면서 세계적으로 인정을 받았고, 2001년 <언젠가>로 부산영화제 와이드 앵글 부문에서 수상하기도 했다. 칸영화제 신인감독 육성프로그램인‘레지당스 인 파리’에 선발되어 <열세 살 수아>를 완성했다.