Like Father, Like Son > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Like Father, Like Son





한국 | 2008 | 110min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


The former legendary folk rock singer, Tae-soo returns to his son Gun-sung after a 15-year absence. Now in his late teens, Gun-sung has been living by himself ever since his mother died and his father was sent to prison for smoking marihuana. Unlike his father, the teenager tries hard to be good both at studying and playing in a band. The reunited father and the son have a love-hate relationship, as they fight over the smallest things. One day, Mari, who Gun-sung had met on the street by chance, shows up with an infant in her arms, and eventually ends up staying at the father and son’s place. With Mari and baby sharing the house, the father and son seem to develop an understanding for each other... but not for long. Through this tale of an alternative family, the film explores the idea of conflict and reconciliation between family members and different generations. Moreover, it pays homage to the Korean folk music scene of the 70s and 80s, and to its way of life which was carefree, peaceful, and therefore, somewhat hippie-like. Depicting a relaxing and slow-paced lifestyle, the film evokes what might be easily forgotten in this day and age of high-speed in every corner of life, and gives an opportunity to rethink the meaning of tolerance. (Hwang Hei-rim)


  • 이무영
    • 이무영
    • 감독이자 시나리오 작가는 물론, 대중 음악 평론가로도 널리 알려져 있으며, 문화계에서 전방위적으로 활약하고 있는 이무영 감독은 <본 투 킬> (1996), <공동 경비구역 JSA> (2000), <복수는 나의 것> (2002) 등의 영화의 시나리오 작가로 먼저 알려지기 시작했고, 2001년 <휴머니스트>로 장편 연출 데뷔를 했다. 2008년 작품인 자신의 첫 음악 영화 <아버지와 마리와 나>를 연출했고, 영화 <저스트 키딩>을 통해 꾸미지 않은 진짜 록 밴드의 이야기를 담았다.