Radio Dayz > 영문_2008_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Radio Dayz





한국 | 2008 | 111min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Set in Kyungsung(old Seoul) during the 1930s when Korean was still under Japanese Imperialist rule, Radio Dayz is a slapstick farce depicting the first radio show ever in Korea called Flame of Love broadcast by Joseon Kyungsung Radio Station. Everything goes wrong on the first day of broadcast: the dispassionate producer Lloyd; the writer infamous for continuously generating failure scripts; a male announcer playing multiple roles; a popular jazz singer picked as the heroine of the show; and the creative sound operator K who is also an independence fighter fixed on the idea of taking over the radio station as a means for resistance. Despite endless mistakes and uncontrollable ad libs, the show becomes successful, and the members of the radio show are forced to deal with the Japanese colonial government’s interference. Kyungsung during the 1930s is an interesting but contradicting time when decadent individuals dressed in modern western outfits, indulge themselves with romance and the arts while the country itself is violated of its rights and freedom. The film captures the restless but dynamic atmosphere under colonial regime against laughable series of events which occur during a live radio show. The modern arrangement of old school tunes from swing jazz to Korean vaudeville gives a lively touch to the film’s historic landscape. (Hwang Hei-rim)


  • 하기호
    • 하기호
    • 하기호 감독은 영상원 졸업작품으로 김영하의 소설을 바탕으로 연출한 단편 <내사랑 십자드라이버>로 2000년 베니스 국제영화제에 진출하면서 주위의 기대를 받기 시작했다. 2008년 <라듸오 데이즈>로 장편 데뷔 하였다