Autumn Adagio > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Autumn Adagio





일본 | 2009 | 70min | HD | COLOR | Drama


A leaf tinged scarlet is just about to fall. In an old chapel the walls resound to a hymn and a serious and quiet nun is playing a reed organ. Her name is Mariko, a nun who never looks back the past or never expects something from the future, and just devotes all her life to God. When she reached the age of forty, the relatively early menopause was waiting for her. As he goes through the rapid change in her body, she experiences emptiness never felt before. Through deep and pleasant music, the film portrays how the nun thinks about her sexuality with a feeling of loss, and comes to accept a new way of living


  • 이노우에 추키
    • 이노우에 추키
    • 1974년생. 이노우에 추키는 무사시노예술대학 회화과를 졸업했고, 뉴시네마워크숍에서 영화제작을 배웠다. 전작 <대지를 두드리는 여자>(2008)는 2008 유바리영화제에서 그랑프리를 수상했으며, 두바이국제영화제, 로테르담국제영화제 등 여러 영화제에서 상영되었다.