Bran Nue Dae > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Bran Nue Dae





호주 | 2009 | 88min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Set on Australia’s west coast, Bran Nue Dae is a road movie, coming of age, comedy musical which celebrates the adventure of finding home. It’s the summer of 1969 and young Willie is filled with the life of the idyllic old pearling port Broome. However his mother Theresa has great hopes for him and she returns him to the religious mission in Perth for further schooling. After being punished for an act of youthful rebellion, Willie runs away from the mission. But to where... He’s too ashamed to go home, it will break his mother’s heart. Down on his luck he meets an old fella, who he calls ‘Uncle’ Tadpole, and together they con a couple of hippies into taking them on the journey through spectacular landscape back to Broome. Willie learns the hard and funny lessons he needs to get home. Arriving back in Broome, Willie discovers a big secret.


  • 레이첼 퍼킨스
    • 레이첼 퍼킨스
    • 레이첼 퍼킨스 감독은 호주의 아렌테와 칼카둔 출신으로 앨리스 스프링스의 호주원주민미디어협회와 호주방송학교에서 수학했다. SBS와 ABC 방송국의 토착민TV파트에서 6년간 제작관련 업무를 맡았다. 연출작으로는<빛>, <하룻밤과 달>등의 장편이 있으며, 베를린, 런던, 토론토, 모스크바와 선댄스 영화제에서 상영되어 많은 상을 수상했다