A Night at the Club > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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A Night at the Club





프랑스 | 2009 | 88min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Simon Nardis arrives in Brest. He has a simple repair job to do on a ship. Twenty-four hours later his life is in turmoil. Ten years earlier he had given up playing the piano professionally. The break was sudden. Nobody ever understood what had happened. Here in the Green Dolphin jazz club the young musicians play well, but Simon can’t bear the way they interpret it. The music that he has been avoiding for so long contrives to make Simon miss the last train to Paris. He goes over to the piano. When at last his fingers touch the keys, the result is pitiful. The audience is embarrassed, unsure how to react. Only Debbie, the club’s owner, understands the torment Simon must be in. She glides silently onto the stage, and begins to sing a song. Simon’s fingers find inspiration in her voice. The moment is magical, and Simon is deep into jazz again.


  • 장 아샤슈
    • 장 아샤슈
    • 1952년에 태어나 파리의 조형예술학교를 졸업했다. 1973년부터 1984년까지 조감독으로 활동했으며, 30여 편 이상의 장편영화에 기술스탭으로 참여했다. 또한 작가, 감독, 제작자로서 다양한 분야에서 일해왔으며, 현재 뮤직비디오 및 영화연출에 종사하고 있다.