Electro Ghetto > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Electro Ghetto





독일 | 2010 | 94min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


His concerts are sold out, awards and gold records fill his shelves, and he always hits the headline: Berlin’s biggest rapper Bushido is a superstar with legions of fans. On tour in Germany, he receives a post card - the first sign of life from his father in years. All the old memories come boiling to the surface: growing up as a ghetto kid in Berlin, dealing drugs instead of going to school, slipping ever further into juvenile delinquency, heading towards a life of crime and prison. At the height of his success as a rapper, Bushido must confront the demons of his past. Bushido, with the real name of Anis Mohamed Youssef Ferchichi, was born in Bonn in 1978. With ten golden and two platinum albums, he is the most successful German rapper of all time, and quickly became a central identification figure of the young German rap generation. He has been honored for his music numerous times, including several Echo Awards, the MTV Europe Music Award, and the Gold Bravo Otto.


  • 울리 에델
    • 울리 에델
    • 1947년 생인 울리 에델은 뮌헨 영화학교에서 수학했다. <브룩클린으로 가는 마지막 비상구>(1989)로 바바리안 필름어워즈에서 최우수감독상 등 각종 영화제에서 수상한 바 있다. 이 외에도 <니벨룽의 반지>(2004), <바더 마인호프>(2008) 등의 시나리오와 연출을 맡았다.