Sing It! > 영문_2010_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Sing It!





대만 | 2009 | 64min | COLOR | Documentary


This is the inspiring journey of a group of native Taiwanese kids who found their confidence through singing. Ma Bi-de is the principal of a primary school located in Dongpu, a rural native village in central Taiwan. With a background in sports curriculum, Ma is the least likely candidate for directing a choir, but that’s just what he is doing: he has formed a choir made up of children in the village who can’t read music and who are free to switch parts at any time – and winning multiple championships in national contests. Soon, Ma and his unconventional choir faced an incredible opportunity but an even greater challenge: recording an album professionally. Not used to the rigors of recording music, the kids are soon pushed to limit, frustrated by the long days at the recording venue and with singing the same passages over and over again. How will Ma guide these kids and help them concentrate on recording in order to lead them in achieving the dream of a community? A tale that is at times joyous, heartbreaking and full of hope, Sing it! seems to transport us back to our childhood and restore our faith in the future.


  • 양쯔린
    • 양쯔린
    • 1973년 출생으로, 사바나대학 예술학부에서 영화학 석사학위를 취득했다. PTS, 따아이 등의 방송채널에서 여러 편의 TV 다큐멘터리 프로그램을 제작했다. 2008년 디스커버리채널에서 <알려지지 않은 대만>이라는 프로그램을 제작해 주목받았다. <씽 잇!>은 그의 첫 장편다큐멘터리 작품이다.