Pick the Youth > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Pick the Youth





대만 | 2011 | 85min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


A-Sen was born in a stubborn family. His grandfather and father force him to move to a normal class from a music class since they believed they could lead him to a better future. However, A-Sen joins a rock band against family’s expectations and go to Taipei to participate in the music competition. After A-sen’s band passes the preliminary round, his grandfather gets worse and his family falls into chaos. The band members cannot understand why he wants to quit. And A-sen’s father slowly begins to see himself in his son. He finally realizes his sorrow has grown since he gave up his favorite rock and roll.


  • 천 타푸
    • 천 타푸
    • 2000년 소조빈 감독의 <섹스보다 좋은>의 촬영감독이었으며 싱가포르 제작사 무비올라의 초청을 받고 소속감독이 된다. 2005년 대만 PTS에서 방영된 [위험한 마음]의 촬영을 맡았고, 이 작품은 2007년 황금종 시상식에서 최우수 드라마상을 수상했다. 2009년 첫 장편 영화 <피크청춘>은 GIO 제작지원 금상을 수상했다.