Carlos Kleiber - Traces to Nowhere > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Carlos Kleiber - Traces to Nowhere





오스트리아 | 2010 | 72min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


On the 11th July 2004, Carlos Kleiber got into his car and drove from Munich to his holiday home in the Slovenian village of Konjsica. There he wrote a final letter to a friend in which he bid farewell to the world. A short time later the conductor was found dead. Carlos Kleiber - Traces to Nowhere represents the first film dedicated to the enigmatic personality of the conductor. The film follows in the traces of Kleiber’s final journey and, by means of the recollections of friends and others who knew Kleiber – including the first and only interview with his sister Veronika Kleiber – portrays a conductor as renowned for his difficult personality as his brilliant work.


  • 에릭 슐츠
    • 에릭 슐츠
    • 1979년생. 함부르크 음악연극대학에서 오페라연출을 전공했다. 전설적인 테너 막스 로렌츠에 대한 다큐멘터리 (2009)로 데뷔했다. <마에스트로 - 카를로스 클라이버>는 그의 두 번째 작품이다.’s>