In Search of the Messiah > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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In Search of the Messiah





영국 | 2009 | 50min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


In Search of the Messiah reveals an extraordinary world of politics, deception, crime and passion around Stradivarius violins, spanning over 350-year history. 350 years after their creation, they still remain one of the only objects that can produce intensely beautiful unique sound in the cultural history to be unrivalled by anything modern technology and science can produce. This film explores a rare and exclusive world. Owning one of Stradivari’s instruments now equates to great power and influence in the Music World.


  • 팀 미아라
    • 팀 미아라
    • 영국왕립예술대학원에서 사진학을 전공. 단편 <뮤즈>(2009)는 베니스 비엔날레에 선정되었고, 퐁피두 센터에서 <헐벗은 방에서의 작은 몸짓>(2010)이라는 전시회를 열었다. 런던예술대학교 시각커뮤니케이션학과 수석강사로 활동하고 있다.