Cantora, an Intimate Journey > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Cantora, an Intimate Journey





아르헨티나 | 2009 | 100min | COLOR | Documentary


“If Latin America could talk, It would do it through Mercedes Sosa’s voice.” In this sentence we can summarize the significance of Mercedes Sosa for our continent and for the world. Cantora, an Intimate Journey has the purpose of reflecting an artist’s inner self, the creative moment, that thing we can’t see when we listen to music but we can feel it. For more than a year it was shot the meeting of Mercedes with famous artists from Latin America and Spain. Joan Manuel Serrat, Caetano Veloso, Shakira, Charly García and Jorge Drexler among others. These great artists share with Mercedes the recording of the disc [Cantora].


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    • 미디어제작을 전공했고, Doc 아르헨티나미팅 국제다큐멘터리 포럼의 책임자로 활동하고 있다. 마틴피에로상의 해외작품상을 2회 수상했으며 후보로 5회 지명되었다. 최근에는 카를로스 가르델상 최고다큐멘터리 DVD부문을 수상했다.