In Case of Love > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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In Case of Love





대만 | 2010 | 77min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Nothing heals a damaged soul like the sight of a small, adorable animal. In this film, a tiny cat not only heals a young woman reeling from the death of her mother, it also helps her find love with a lonely rock musician. Claire has been living in her own world until she meets musician James, whom she believes is her childhood sweetheart. At the same time, Claire also takes in a lost kitten, giving new meaning to her life. However, as her burgeoning romance with James begins to develop further, memories from the past are dug up, forcing them to face their ambiguous relationship and painful past.


  • 가빈 린
    • 가빈 린
    • 대만에서 유망주로 떠오르는 감독 중 한 명으로 첫 영화 <자유로>는 골든 하베스트 영화제에서 대상과 최우수 편집상을 수상했다. 그의 첫 극영화인 <골목길 고양이>(2010)는 마음을 치유하는 영화로 호평 받았다