Sound of Heaven - The Story of Bal Gandharva > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Sound of Heaven - The Story of Bal Gandharva





인도 | 2011 | 98min | COLOR | Drama


Bal Gandharva led a tumultuous life that saw India’s struggle for independence from the British, his affair with a Muslim singer (He was Hindu.) and fluctuating patronage from the maharajahs. Inevitably, as cinema became popular, women who played women’s roles edged him out of the business. < Sound of Heaven-The Story of Bal Gandharva > is a richly mounted Indian musical period film on the life of the incredible actress and singer.


  • 라비 자다프
    • 라비 자다프
    • 그래픽 디자이너 및 카피라이터로 활동 중이며 그가 연출한 광고는 많은 상을 수상하였다. 첫 장편 영화 <나타랑>(2010)은 뉴욕영화제, 뮌헨국제영화제의 개막작 및 인디아 포커스, 예테보리 영화제 등에 출품되었다.