Now, a Flower on the Head > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Now, a Flower on the Head





한국 | 2011 | 75min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


The Hippie Movement was one of the most beautiful cultural revolutions in the history of mankind as well as a failed revolution. The generation that fell in love with the psychedelic rock music which appeared on the popular music scene in Korea around 1970 was Korean first generation of hippies, and they showed exactly how music can affect the lives of people. Recently, youth has taken to this music. How is this music affecting their lives?


  • 현영애
    • 현영애
    • 현영애는 다큐멘터리 감독이자 제작자이다. 2011년 작품 은 제7회 제천국제음악영화제 경쟁부문에 초청되었고, 광주 인권영화제에서도 상영되었다. 2012년에는 단편 <김치>의 프로듀서로 참여했고, 2014년 장편 다큐멘터리 <서둘러 천천히>를 연출했다.,>