A Piano on the Sea > 영문2011_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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A Piano on the Sea





한국 | 2011 | 105min | HD | COLOR | Drama


Jung-woo learns to play piano from a one-armed pianist who he later finds out is his mother’s old lover. His mother is paralyzed in one arm due to a brain tumor and kills herself with her old flame. Shocked, Jung-woo also attempts suicide but is rescued by Eun-su’s father and goes to live with them. Eun-su’s sister, Eun-ji has shut herself out from the world due to jealously of her sister, but slowly **begin**s to open up thanks to Jung-woo’s piano-playing. Eun-ji and Jung-woo are growing their love through piano sound with communicating by forgiveness.


  • 송동윤
    • 송동윤
    • 독일 국립 루헤 보쿰 대학에서 연극영화학 박사학위를 취득했다. <서울이 보이냐>(2008)의 각본을 쓰고, 연출을 했으며 UNICA 세계영화제 심사위원 겸 영상산업교수협의회 이사를 맡고 있다. [송동윤의 영화이야기], [영화로 치유하기] 의 저자이다.