The Reason Why I Step > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Reason Why I Step





| 2011 | 85min | COLOR | Documentary


​For the past ten years, Baek Ja has dreamed of making a difference in the world and therefore, he has sung songs about unifi cation, equality and freedom as a member of a protest singing team. However, the band’s performances are cut down, and they face a danger of dissolving when the country is taken over by a new regime, and the progressive party is oppressed and seemingly destined to be debilitated. Baek Ja tries as hard as he can in order to restore his old band and hopefully overcome the crisis, but it’s not an easy task.


  • 김철민
    • 김철민
    • 대학시절 영상패 [빛고을]에서 영상운동을 시작했으며 2002년부터 진보미디어 [청춘]에서 영상운동을 하고 있다. 주로 통일, 민주주의, 평화, 노동문제 등을 주제로 짧은 영상들을 제작하고 있다.