Cutie Unstoppable > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Cutie Unstoppable





| 2012 | 90min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


A high school girl, Engyo is raised from a Taekwon-do family. Unlike her mother who got married to her father against the will of her grandfather, she is forced to marry the guy her grandfather chose. But she doesn’t want either Taekwondo practice, or the unwilling marriage. She wants to make a rock band and she has a crush on someone else. But nothing is easy. Engyo gets in trouble with a bully girl who notices they both like the same guy, and her best friend Yunbi(keyboardist at band) has to leave the band because her house is about to be in demolition.


  • 권용석
    • 권용석
    • 1975년 서울 출생. 2012년 한국예술종합학교 전문사 영상원을 졸업했다. 연출작으로는 <칠십리 장화>(2009), <뇌가 없는 사람들의 행성>(2010), <하루>(2011)가 있다.