Janie Jones > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Janie Jones





2010 | 110min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


Rocker Ethan Brand and his band are on the comeback trail when a former flame drops a bomb in his lap: his 13-yearold daughter, Janie Jones. Ethan refuses to believe Janie is his kid, but when her mom suddenly leaves for rehab, the child has no place to go but into the tour bus and on the road with the band. With no feel for fatherhood, Ethan continues his hard-living ways, giving Janie a crash course of the not-so-glamorous life on the road. As they learn to express themselves in music, they start understanding each other.


  • 데이비드 로젠탈
    • 데이비드 로젠탈
    • 1969년 뉴욕 출생. 작가, 감독이며 제작자이다. 사라로렌스 대학에서 시를 전공, AFI에서 영화제작으로 석사 학위를 받았다. 영화 <폴링업>으로 잘 알려져 있으며 <제이니 존스>의 각본과 감독을 맡았다.​