Last Days Here > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Last Days Here





| 2011 | 90min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


Cult rock legend Bobby Liebling has been churning out genre-defining hard rock for over 36 years as the lead singer of the band Pentagram. Various acts of self-destruction, multiple band break-ups, and botched record deals have condemned his music to obscurity. Frozen for decades in his parents'''' basement, Bobby is finally discovered by the heavy metal underground. With the help of Sean ''''Pellet'''' Pelletier, his friend and manager, Bobby struggles to overcome his demons. < Last Days Here > chronicles the triumphs and downfalls of this underground icon who finds himself at the crossroads of life and death.


  • 돈 아고트
    • 돈 아고트
    • 촬영감독이자 영화감독이다. 그는 수많은 상업 광고와 단편영화를 제작했다.​
  • 데미안 펜튼
    • 데미안 펜튼
    • 펜실베니아 주립대학교를 졸업하고 편집 기사로 일했다. 2003년 첫 장편 다큐멘터리 <록 스쿨>을 편집했다.​