The Story of Little Paolo > 영문_2012_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Story of Little Paolo





| 2011 | 22min | HD | COLOR | Animation


In 1863, Cyrill undertakes a journey to Italy. He carries a mysterious music box on his back. He meets little Paolo, who dreams about having the same music instrument as him. Cyrill is impressed with Paolo’s passion and leaves Paolo the instrument. Being envied by his friend Pepino, Paolo makes him an accordion by himself. Pure passion for music, childlikeness and friendship are folded in a warm atmosphere through the animation technique. Please don’t miss a French film music director Marc Perrone’s accordion performance in the live action scenes.


  • 니콜라 리구오리
  • 1981년 프랑스 릴 출생. 프랑스 루베에 있는 ESAAT 애니메이션 학교를 졸업, <개구리의 예언>(2003)에서 애니메이션 조수로 참여하며 경력을 쌓았다. 단편영화 <시끄러운 소리>(2005)등을 거쳐서, 첫 단편 <스웨덴 여인>(2008)을 직접 감독했다.