The Kid Brother > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

The Kid Brother





| 1927 | 84min | 35mm | B&W | Drama


The Kid Brother is Harold Lloyd’s masterpiece and Lloyd’s favorite of all his fi lms. Harold is a country boy who is the ‘Cinderella’ of the Hickory family. Shy and bespectacled, his wit and ingenuity are not appreciated by his physically robust but none-too-bright father and brothers. When Mary arrives with the traveling road show, Harold needs all his quick wits and courage to defeat the villains, win the girl of his dreams and fi nally gain his father’s approval.


  • 루이 마일스톤
    • 루이 마일스톤
    • 루이 마일스톤은 1895년 러시아에서 태어나 미국에서 활동한 감독, 작가 겸 제작자이다. 1910년대 후반부터 영화 작업을 시작하여 1960년대 중반까지 활발하게 활동했다.