TaeGukGi: Brotherhood of War > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

TaeGukGi: Brotherhood of War





| 2004 | 145min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama


Jin-tae shines shoes in the streets of Jongno, hoping to save money to send his younger brother, Jin-seok to university, and get married with his fi ancee. One day in June, extras saying a war had started fl y about in the streets, and Seoul which had been so peaceful, is suddenly fi lled with the sounds of sirens and screams. Jin-tae and Jin-seok were rolled in Korean civil war and without ever getting any proper training, the two are sent to Nakdong River, the last frontline. Jin-tae was turning into a war hero just to save his younger brother, while Jin-seok realizes that if he was to survive the war, he had to become stronger. They head for Pyeongyang, where an unexpected fate awaits them.


  • 강제규
    • 강제규
    • 강우석 감독의 1990년 작품 <누가 용의 발톱을 보았는가>의 시나리오 작가로 영화계에 입문, 데뷔작 <은행나무 침대>는 새로운 어법의 한국영화라는 찬사를 받았다. 그는 한국영화 600만 시대 개막을 알린 1999년작 <쉬리>로 10여 개의 영화상을 휩쓸었고, 비즈니스 위크가 선정한 ‘아시아를 움직이는 50인’에 뽑히기도 했다.