Pop Redemption > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Pop Redemption





| 2012 | 94min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


Childhood friends Alex, JP, Pascal and Eric have been running a metal band, Dead Macabés for 15 years although without caring about what others think. As they turn in their 30s, all the members except for Alex have gradually lost their interest in the band. It is when confl icts between members deepen that Alex declares that the band is to join ‘Hellfest’, the dream stage for metal musicians. The chance to stand on the same stage with the best metal artist Dozzi Cooper was originally given to another band, but they will replace them. In the middle of the way to ‘Hellfest’, they encounter an unexpected situation because of excessive passion of Alex. They somehow are forced to play The Beatles, who they have looked down on, at a strawberry festival in a remote town. Upon the crisis of breaking up, will the band members cope with the problem and succeed to stand on the stage at ‘Hellfest’? Pop Redemtion, the feature debut of Martin Le Gall, is an exciting film that delicately crosses between metal and pop, comedy and tragedy, and also past and present to show the passion of the protagonists into music. In this road movie about the journey to ‘Hellfest’, a heavy metal festival held in Nates, France, the director presents his excellent knowledge about music by pasquinading the prejudice about black metal, known as ‘satanic music’ to the public and inserting homage to The Beatles here and there. The lead actor Julien Dore playing Alex actually proves his talent in not only acting but also music by singing most of the sound tracks.


  • 마르탱 르 갈
    • 마르탱 르 갈
    • 1975년 프랑스 루엉에서 태어난 마르탱 르 갈은 2001년 3IS 영화학교 졸업 작품으로 만든 < 디바와 피아니스트 >로 주목을 받아 아발롱 영화사에서 작품을 준비하게 되었다. 그는 2003년 < 소방수! > 와 2009년 < 조깅 카테고리 >라는 단편을 내놓았고, 2012년 첫 장편 < 팝 리뎀션 >을 연출했다. 런던과 파리를 왕복하는 유로스타를 타고 가다 본 광고 포스터에서 영감을 얻은 이 작품의 음악은 단편 영화 시절부터 그와 호흡을 맞춰 온 프랑크 르봉 이 맡았다. 르 갈 감독은 늘 음악에 방점을 두고 희극과 비극 사이를 끊임없이 넘나드는 스타일을 보여주고 있는데, 현재 차기작 < 비구댄느 >를 준비 중이다.