Moon Glow > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Moon Glow





| 2013 | 102min | DCP | Documentary


They make up the first generation Korea’s jazz players. They have dedicated their entire lives to jazz, and while the jazz masters are reaching the age of 80, their passion for jazz has yet to die down. They are still youths pursuing their dreams, and as part of those dreams, a performance featuring all of them on the same stage is about to begin. Jazz changed their lives. They have overcome much and come far to bring to us the jazz we know today. Despite their ordeals, they are very happy, and thanks to them, jazz in Korea is alive and well.


  • 장해랑
    • 장해랑
    • 1982년 KBS에 다큐멘터리 PD로 입사해 [추적 60분], [다큐멘터리극장], [환경스페셜], [한국의 미] 등을 제작·연출했다. KBS PD 협회장, 한국 방송 프로듀서 연합회장, 언론개혁 시민연대 공동 대표를 역임하였다.