Appassionata > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






| 2012 | 82min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


Alena Cherny is a concert pianist through and through. She raised in rural Ukraine, her mother sent her to boarding school in Kiev at the age of nine – a childhood far from home. Following the trauma of Chernobyl and a leukaemia, she relocated to Switzerland, leaving her daughter at home with her parents. Today she is an established artist, and wants to fulfil her heart’s desire: to donate a piano to the music school in the village where she was born. Alena sets off with her instrument on a journey into her past. She visits her mother, the places of her childhood, her boarding school and Chernobyl. Appassionata is a portrait of a strong woman and her passion.


  • 크리스티안 랍하르트
    • 크리스티안 랍하르트
    • 1953년 취리히에서 태어난 크리스티안 랍하르트는 1972년부터 74년까지 콘도르 필름에서 조명과 카메라 조수로 활동했다. 1974년부터 1980년까지 교사로도 활동했고, 2001년 <코소보의 아이들>이라는 작품을 만들며 독립영화 제작을 시작했다. <열정 소나타>는 그의 7번째 작품이다.