Bloody Daughter > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Bloody Daughter





| 2012 | 95min | HD | Documentary


Born in Argentina in 1941, Martha Argerich gained the nickname ‘Amazones’ because of passionate performances and has been active as one of the best pianists in the world up to date. Although her music world is widely known through a number of concerts and albums, her private life is barely known. Stephanie, a daughter she had with Stephen Kovacevich, shows both the private life of her mother raising three daughters from all different fathers and her life as an artist in this film. Being extremely sensitive right before she stands on the stage yet being so friendly with her three grown-up daughters, Mrs. Argerich will move viewers with beautiful piano melodies.


  • 스테파니 아르헤리치
    • 스테파니 아르헤리치
    • 피아니스트 마르타 아르헤리치의 딸로 1975년 스위스 베른에서 태어난 스테파니 아르헤리치는 모스크바에서 러시아어를 공부하고 뉴욕의 파슨스 디자인 학교를 졸업했다. 파리에서 비디오 매체에 대한 몇 가지 코스를 수료한 뒤, 첫 작품 <마르타 아르헤리치와 세 딸들>을 만들었다.