Produced by George Martin > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Produced by George Martin





Francis Hanly


George Martin, who was nicknamed ‘The Fifth Beatle’, was a legendary producer. He started his career by producing light classical labels, chat albums and film music pieces, but his life met a turning point after he met The Beatles in 1962. The members couldn’t write music scores, so he did it for them. It was also Martin who induced dramatic effects on their music by adding classical string sound. Even after The Beatles, other musicians including Bob Dylan, Police, Elton John, and Stevie Wonder could release great album by virtue of him. This film features interviews with 87-year-old George Marin, his family, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.


  • 프란시스 헨리
    • 프란시스 헨리
    • 프란시스 헨리는 여러 편의 다큐멘터리로 수상한 감독 겸 제작자이다. 지난 15년 동안 그가 만든 다큐멘터리들은 평단으로부터도 높은 평가를 받아왔다. 그의 최근작으로 비틀즈의 프로듀서였던 조지 마틴 경에 대한 다큐멘터리와 테너 루치아노 파바로티의 만년의 활동을 담은 <마지막 테너>가 있다.