Rocker > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






| 2012 | 91min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


Victor, a rocker in his forties, is ready to do everything for his drug-addicted son. His son is the lead singer of an anonymous rock band in Oradea, a small city in the West of Romania. He helps him and his rock band to prepare an upcoming live concert in a bigger city. In the meantime, Victor tries to rebuild their family. But Victor is a character on the edge. His everyday life circles around his son and his mixed-up life seems to slowly overcome him. Maybe the only thing that is still there for him is rock music... The film talks about the relation between a father and his son, about parents ready to do anything for their children.


  • 마리안 크리산
    • 마리안 크리산
    • 1976년 루마니아에서 태어나 부카레스트 UNATC에서 연출을 전공한 이후 100편 이상의 뮤직 비디오와 여러 편의 단편을 연출했다. 특히 단편 <메가트론>은 2008년 칸영화제 단편 부문에서 황금종려상을 수상했고, 2010년에 만든 첫 장편 <아침>은 63회 로카르노영화제에서 심사위원 특별상을 받았다.