The Last Rhapsody > 영문_2013_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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The Last Rhapsody





| 2011 | 75min | HD | COLOR | Drama


In 1911, to mark the centenary of Liszt’s birth, a Budapest theatre is preparing for the premiere of a play about the composer’s final days. Suddenly a mysterious woman appears at one of the rehearsals, asserting that the play does not correspond to reality, that Liszt did not die in the manner known from various novels and recollections. The actors want to learn the truth, and so the woman reveals the painfully beautiful relationship between Liszt and one of his last students, Lina Schmalhausen, which lasted from the middle of the 1870s to his death. The Last Rhapsody made in Hungarian-French co-production to crown the Liszt Year recalls the final days of Liszt.


  • 기용교시 벤체
    • 기용교시 벤체
    • 1963년 부다페스트에서 태어나 1980년부터 뮌헨 대학에서 공부했다. 1983년부터 루드비히 막시밀리안 대학의 커뮤니케이션/연극 학부에서 공부했고, 뮌헨 영화/텔레비전 학교에서 연출을 전공했다. 1983년부터 연출, 제작, 편집, 촬영 등 다양한 분야에서 작업하고 있다.