Maurizio Pollini, de main de maître (A Musical Profile) > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Maurizio Pollini, de main de maître (A Musical Profile)





| 2014 | 55min | DCP | Documentary


There were a host of excellent reasons for making a film portrait of Maurizio Pollini: the great of the pianist, his extraordinary rarity - he is unknown inaccessible, apart from the odd concert and very rare interviews, little exists about him. He has affable nature, intelligence, the rich complexity of the topics addressed, not to mention the desire he himself expressed to submit to the exercise for the very first time. He is over 70, and he felt that it is time to allow himself to be filmed. Mainly based on an extended interview, the film includes archive footage and work sessions filmed with the artist.


  • 브뤼노 몽생종
    • 브뤼노 몽생종
    • 파리를 근거지로 바이올리니스트로도 활동 중인 브뤼노 몽생종은 지난 40여 년 동안 클래식 음악 다큐멘터리를 만들어왔다. 그는 나디아 불랑제, 예후디 메뉴인, 글렌 굴드, 스비아토슬라브 리히터, 다비드 오이스트라흐 등 세계적인 연주자들에 대한 다큐멘터리를 만들었으며, 8권의 저서가 있다.