Golden Chariot in the Sky > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Golden Chariot in the Sky





| 2014 | 84min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


Ppongddol dreams to form a band and have a successful career. He names his band 'Golden Chariot’ after a worn-out, orange cart he found on the street, giving it exaggerated meaning. Ppongdol suggests his village friends to join the band, using this cart to carry instruments as well as cabbages. Although they readily accept the offer, the band is in conflict from the first moment when all eight of them meet. Meanwhile, Pponddol is the youngest of four brothers. He was thrown out of his family with his second eldest brother. One day, the second eldest brother visits him after a long time. Reminiscing the past, they blame each other for being kicked out of their family. The poor two brothers decide to visit their eldest brother, sick with terminal cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, to apologize and ask for some fortune. While they try to sell his house to make money, the third eldest brother is also after inheritance. Knowing that he has not long to live, the eldest brother announces that he will give out his property only if the three brothers go on a trip together. ‘Golden Chariot’ is also on a trip to make up with each other. What will they get from these special trips? Golden Chariot in the Sky is a debut feature film of the director O Muel, famous for Jiseul shown on as many as 19 international film festivals. This is also a music film after a long interval since Nostalgia was released. Both the three brothers who love and hate each other, and Golden Chariot so frequently in conflicts that seems far away from making their debut, choose to ‘travel’ with each other to overcome their troublesome situation. The story of two trips heads for the climax as they meet and say goodbye, quarrel and reconcile over and over again. With ‘O Muel Division’ actors express humor, sorrow, anger and brotherhood, while a Korean ska band Kingston Rudieska makes their debut as actors. Their merry tunes in the film will make the audiences dance. ​


  • 오멸
    • 오멸
    • 오멸은 1998년부터 문화 집단 ‘테러 J’와 거리예술제 ‘머리에 꽃을’ 대표를 거쳐 자파리 연구소를 만들었다. 단편 <립스틱 짙게 바르고>, <머리에 꽃을> 이후, 2009년 장편 <어이그 저 귓것>이 제6회 제천국제음악영화제 심사위원특별상을 받으며 이름을 알리기 시작했다. 2011년 작품 <뽕똘>, <이어도>에 이어, <지슬 – 끝나지 않은 세월 2>로 제17회 부산국제영화제 CGV 무비꼴라주상 외 3개 부문을 수상했고, 29회 선댄스영화제 심사위원대상 등을 수상하였다. 다섯 번째 작품 <하늘의 황금마차>를 개봉준비 중이며, 차기 작품을 구상 중이다.