As Time Goes by in Shanghai > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

As Time Goes by in Shanghai





| 2013 | 90min | DCP | COLOR | Documentary


The oldest jazz band in the world has been performing every evening at the Peace Hotel in Shanghai for 30 years. Most members of the band, all jazz musicians of first rank, are over 80 years old. Peace Hotel Old Jazz Band will embark on its greatest adventure and their appearance at the North Sea Jazz Festival Rotterdam. With great jazz hymns in the backdrop, the film will chart the fascinating life stories of seven exceptional musicians set in diverse stages from the Japanese occupation and the Cultural Revolution right up to today’s turbo-planned economy. With humour, wisdom and a tale or two being spun on the way, the men in black suits will lead us on a tour of their daily lives in one of the world’s most modern cities and show us how good old jazz has given them the strength to weather the storms of time.


  • 울리 가울케
    • 울리 가울케
    • 울리 가울케는 베를린 자유대학에서 영화를 공부했고, 베를린 아스날 극장을 비롯한 여러 영화관에서 영사기사로도 일했다. 여러 밴드에서 트럼펫을 연주한 음악가이기도 한 그의 첫 다큐멘터리 <내 사랑 하바나>는 2001년 베를린영화제 최우수 다큐멘터리 ‘롤라’상을 받았고, <꿈 속의 동지>(2006)는 베를린영화제, 선댄스영화제 경쟁부문에 초청되었다