Blue Sky Bones > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Blue Sky Bones





| 2013 | 105min | DCP | Drama | Classic, Jazz


Mother of the main character was a beautiful singer whose talent was outstanding in an art school, even though she lived in a gloomy era of the Cultural Revolution. Father was an established technician as well as a secret police. Rather than being a depressed kid, the main character was born in the Internet era. He gradually learns about the tragic story of his parents. As music was the only escape, he writes a song called ‘Blue Sky Bones’ hoping to have a harmonious family back. This is a debut feature film directed by Cui Jian known as the godfather of Chinese Rock Music. The movie gained attention for the participation of a renowned cinematographer, Christopher Doyle.


  • 최건
    • 최건
    • 최건은 싱어송라이터이자 트럼페터이고, 기타리스트이다. 중국인들의 사랑을 받는 그는 존경의 의미로 라오 추이(老崔)라고 불리우며, 중국 록 음악계의 개척자이자 록 음악을 중국어로 처음 만든 뮤지션이기도 하다. 〈귀신이 온다〉의 영화음악을 작곡했고, 장률 감독의 <두만강>에서는 주연을 맡는 등 음악과 연기, 연출 등에 걸쳐 왕성한 활동을 하고 있다.