Marvin Hamlisch: What He Did for Love > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Marvin Hamlisch: What He Did for Love





| 2013 | 86min | HD | COLOR/B&W | Documentary


The 1974 Academy Awards remains unforgettable to many fans of film scores. It was a day when a 29-year-old young man, Marvin Hamlisch, won all three Oscar trophies for film scores: Best Original Dramatic Score and Best Original Song with The Way We Were and Best Original Song Score and Adaptation with The Sting. This work richly demonstrates the impact of Marvin Hamlisch as a composer of more than 50 film scores and musical songs in American films, such as A Chorus Line, while revealing a side of his personal life through the interviews of his friends and family members.


  • 도리 베린스타인
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