I Feel Like Disco > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

I Feel Like Disco





| 2013 | 95min | DCP | COLOR | Drama


Florian Herbst, to be honest, is happiest when his dad isn’t at home. Then, he can dance around the house with his mom, wear crazy costumes and forget all his troubles. Hanno Herbst doesn’t really know what to do with his son, who has two left hands and a much too big belly and is neither interested in sports nor girls. But it’s not that bad! There is mom. With a tender dominance, she keeps the family’s harmony in check and protects her two men from each other at least until one terrible morning, when the house of cards collapses and mom vanishes from their lives from one moment to the next. Father and son are left behind, overwhelmed, but gradually learn to cope with each other and find common ground.


  • 악셀 라니쉬
    • 악셀 라니쉬
    • 1983년 태어난 악셀 라니쉬는 2002년, 첫 단편을 연출하면서 영화에 빠지게 되었다. 그 후 몇 년 간 80여 편의 단편 영화를 연출했고 몇 편의 장편에서 배우, 작가, 작곡가, 또는 편집자로 활동했다. 그의 영화들은 2002년부터 백 개가 넘는 크고 작은 영화제에서 상영되었고 많은 상을 받았다.