Rock Me to the Moon > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Rock Me to the Moon





| 2013 | 115min | DCP | COLOR | Documentary


When a child is born with rare diseases, it is usually the father that abandons the family; but not 6 dads in this film. Coming from different backgrounds, they do their best to care for their children while making a living to support the whole family. These dads certainly need an outlet for the pressure on their minds, so they turn to music and form a rock band called ‘Sleepy Dads’. With an average age of 52, they aim to hit the stage of the highly competitive Sea Music Festival. For this over-aged amateur band, it is as difficult as Apollo missions to the moon. Nonetheless, these fathers show no fear, because they already led their daily life on the edge. There is nothing these fathers cannot conquer, since their children’s happiness is their greatest mission of all.


  • 황 지아쥔
    • 황 지아쥔
    • 대만 국립예술대학 석사과정을 졸업하고 TV와 광고 등 다양한 작업도 병행하고 있다. 세상에 대한 날카로운 관찰과 사회적 이슈에 대한 탐색을 보여주는 그의 작품은 따뜻하면서도 깊은 울림을 자아낸다. 데뷔작 <그들이 날아간다>로 2008년 타이페이영화제 최우수 다큐멘터리상을 수상하였으며, <락 미 투 더 문>은 2013년 타이페이영화상 후보에 오른 바 있다.