Where Is My Seed > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Where Is My Seed





| 2014 | 53min | HD | COLOR | Drama


There is a folk-blues singer-songwriter called ‘Seedless Watermelon Kim DJ’ in Hongdae. However, he has never dreamt of becoming a professional musician. He rather thought himself to be a story teller, talking about his life with accompaniment of the guitar and the harmonica. First he talked about his own name, which is exactly the same as the name of former Korean president. Then he called himself ‘Seedless Watermelon Kim DJ’ following American blues naming rules. After releasing his debut album, he becomes a ‘musician’, but still is not familiar with proper stages and audiences. This documentary introduces his music and life.


  • 이주호
    • 이주호
    • 이주호는 2010년 붕가붕가레코드 공채 1기로 합격해 아티스트 매니저가 되었고 같은 시기에 친구들과 영상 작업을 시작했다. 결국 매니저는 그만 두고 영상만 계속 한 끝에 다큐멘터리 영화를 만들고 있다.