Kinda Famous Band We Believe > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Kinda Famous Band We Believe





| 2014 | 48min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


Upon graduating from high school, I left Wonju for Seoul to fulfill my dream of becoming a rock star. Having had nothing but a passion, however, reality was too harsh and lonely, so I ended up returning to Wonju. To soothe my thirst for a stage, I began playing guitar on streets. With friends I met on the street, I organized 'Street Oasis'. Music was our only way to escape from the boredom of daily life! Busking in Wonju earns more popularity than my initial expectation. However, some of the members quit their jobs and begin to immerse themselves in music...


  • 최종천
    • 최종천
    • 밴드 ‘길거리오아시스’의 기타리스트로 활동했으며, 싱글 ‘뉴페이스영계 0.1’(2012) 발표 후 앨범 ‘길거리오아시스1.0’(2013)의 작곡과 프로듀싱을 맡았다. 그리고 수록곡 ‘뉴페이스영계’, ‘is You(Feat. 박종문)’의 뮤직비디오를 연출했다. ‘길거리오아시스’의 이야기를 담은 <우리동네 슈퍼밴드>는 그의 첫 다큐멘터리 작품이다