Hurry Up, Slowly! > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Hurry Up, Slowly!





| 2014 | 101min | HD | COLOR | Documentary


Members of the rock band Anakin Project have their own jobs as a cultural activist, a carpenter, and a barista. Yet, they share interest and passion in the community-level activism on peace and ecology. The members will interview people behind the scenes of Christiania’s summer music festival, observe and talk with people who came to take part in the festival, and learn about the community’s administration, politics, economy, culture, art, etc. In South Korea, there is a growing awareness of problems in uncritical pursuit of capitalism and more people put ecology and peace as their central values. In this regard, leaving Christiania marks the film’s end, but this is a new chapter’s beginning for the members and their social activism at home.


  • 현영애
    • 현영애
    • 현영애는 다큐멘터리 감독이자 제작자이다. 2011년 작품 은 제7회 제천국제음악영화제 경쟁부문에 초청되었고, 광주 인권영화제에서도 상영되었다. 2012년에는 단편 <김치>의 프로듀서로 참여했고, 2014년 장편 다큐멘터리 <서둘러 천천히>를 연출했다.,>