In the Tracks of Bruno Coulais > 영문_2014_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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In the Tracks of Bruno Coulais





| 52min | DCP


Bruno Coulais is a French soundtrack musician known to us for the music in Chorists(2004). After studying violin and piano, he entered into the world of film music by participating in the soundtracks for Mexico Magico directed by François Reichenbach in 1977. Making soundtracks in over 50 films including Microcosmos(1996), The Travelling Birds(2001), Vidocq(2001), he is working actively as a representative French soundtrack musician. The director Pascale Cuenot shows the creative musical world of Bruno Coulais through a variety of methods as file pictures, interviews and music-making scenes.


  • 파스칼 퀴노
    • 파스칼 퀴노
    • TV프로그램 특수효과를 작업하면서 영상음향 분야의 경력을 쌓았다. 미술감독으로 고몽 영화사의 다양한 광고캠페인을 기획했고, TV 광고와 특수효과 작업도 했다. 2006년 ‘Prelight Films’를 세우고 세계적인 영화음악 작곡가들에 대한 다큐멘터리 '영화음악의 거장들' 시리즈를 만들고 있다.