Caiti Blues > 영문_2023_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Caiti Blues





France, Canada / 2023 / 84min / DCP / Color / Documentary / Asian Premiere


​ Katie always dreamed of being a singer. She grew up in New York City, studied at a top music school and performed on Broadway. The future was dazzlingly bright, but as she wandered through Madrid, New Mexico, away from the glitz and glamor of the Big Apple. far from the glitz and glamor of the Big Apple, she's looking for a way forward. Surrounded by mountains and old hippies throwing drinks at travelers and old hippies tossing drinks to travelers, life flows between working days and non-stop festival nights. America sinks into madness As the world becomes increasingly uncertain, I feel suffocated. How do we get back to a place where we can be meaningful and express ourselves back to a place of meaning and expression?

Program Note

​ Katie, who once dreamed of becoming a diva, is now a bartender at a small pub and a DJ for a local radio station that seems to have no listeners. In a disillusioned dystopia where the American dream has been shattered, she refuses to surrender and continues to sing with sincerity. The remarkable intimacy created by director Justine Harbonnier's camera lens allows the audience to accompany Katie even in her most vulnerable moments, enabling a connection and understanding between her and the viewers. (Jin. Cho)


  • 저스틴 아르보니에 / Justine Harbonnier
    • Justine Harbonnier
    • After completing a master's degree in comparative literature, Justine began making short independent films. Screening at numerous festivals and art centres, her works deal with the quest for selfidentity (Il y a un ciel magnifique et tu filmes Angèle Bertrand, 2014) and the politics of urban development (Andrew Keegan démenage, 2016). Her first feature-length film, Caiti Blues (2023), extends her exploration of these and related themes. Justine is currently completing the short film Les enfants vont bien and preparing to film La Simulation, a documentary feature, next year.