2023 > [en] 시상 / 심사위원 | 제천국제음악영화제


Competition Section of the 19th Jecheon International Music Film Festival: International Competition

Competition Section of the 19th Jecheon International Music Film Festival: International Competition

Little Richard: I am everything

Lisa Cortés

USA / 2023 / 101min / DCP / Color / Documentary / Asian Premiere

Competition Section : International Competition Juries

  • 강제규/Kang Jekyu
    • Kang Jekyu
    • President of the Jury
    • Kang Jekyu is a graduate of the Department of Theater and Film at Chung-Ang University. He started his career as a screenwriter and made his directorial debut with Gingko Bed(1996). He has directed films such as Shiri(1999) and Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War(2004), receiving various awards including Best Film and Best Director at the Asia-Pacific Film Festival. Recently, he served as the President of the Jury for the Baeksang Arts Awards and is preparing for the release of the film Road to Boston.
  • 사카모토 미우/Miu Sakamoto
    • Miu Sakamoto
    • Born on May 1, 1980. Her father is Ryuichi Sakamoto, and her mother is Akiko Yano. At the age of 16, she made her debut as a singer. She also performs as a writer, narrator and theater actor. She is known as a “cat person” for her animal rights activities for many years and her popular book “How to Suck Cats.” She is also one of the founders of "Children's Lives Are Children's," a group to reduce child abuse.
    • Actor Park Sung-woong is one of the best actors in Korea. Since his debut in the movie No. 3(1997), he has been active in movies and dramas. Park Sung-woong, who tries to transform his acting without limits in each work and is not afraid of challenges, is always continuing his hard work with a new face.
  • 장원석/Billy
    • Billy
    • CEO Billy Acumen is leading BA Entertainment, which has been actively producing films such as Forgotten, Tunnel, and The Chronicles of Evil, including The Outlaws series got over 10 million people watching last year and this year. and dramas such as Rose Mansion, Casino, and Revenant.

Preliminary selection committee member Foreign Film

  • 김송희/Kim Song-hee
    • Kim Song-hee
    • Editor-In-Chief of Big Issue Korea. She used to work as a reporter for film magazine Cine 21. The Hankyoreh. High Cut, Nylon Korea, Univ Tomorrow, 10 Asia, Kakao etc, contributed on- offline media culture articles. She published Give Up Hope, And Cheer Up as a book. Instagram@cheesedals
  • 조현나/Cho Hyunna
    • Cho Hyunna
    • Cho Hyunna won the Excellence Award at the 24th Cine21 Film Critic Awards and is currently working as a reporter for Cine21.

Competition Section of the 19th Jecheon International Music Film Festival: Korean Competition Award – Feature Films

제19회 제천국제음악영화제 경쟁부문: 한국경쟁 작품상 – 장편

Looking for

Kim Taehee

Korea / 2023 / 104min / DCP / Color / Fiction / World Premiere

Competition Section of the 19th Jecheon International Music Film Festival: Korean Competition Award – Short Films

제19회 제천국제음악영화제 경쟁부문: 한국경쟁 작품상 – 단편

Brilliant A

Kim Young-eun

Korea, USA / 2022 / 17min / DCP / Color / Experimenta

Competition Section : Korean Competition Juries

  • 요룬드 플루게 사무엘슨/Jørund Fluge Samuelsen
    • Jørund Fluge Samuelsen
    • Platinum selling ex-pop musician Jørund Fluge Samuelsen has for the last 15 years composed music for a wide variety of television series, radio drama and short films. His score for the 2022 drama film Everybody Hates Johan won both the Norwegian Amanda Award for Best Original Score and the Harpa Nordic Film Composers Award.
  • 이봉우/Lee Bongwoo
    • Lee Bongwoo
    • After studying in Paris in the 1980s, Lee Bong-woo founded the film company Cinequanon upon returning to Japan. Since 1989, he has been involved in the production and distribution of over 250 films. He is particularly known for distributing Korean films such as “Sopyonge”," Swiri", "JSA", and "Memories of Murder", which sparked the "Korean Wave" in Japan. In 2003, he was awarded the Korean Cinema Award at the 8th Busan International Film Festival in South Korea. Production of Japanese films such as “All Under the Moon”, “Nobody Knows” and remake of Korean film "Parasite" as a play in Japan attracted attention
  • 허철/HEO Chul
    • HEO Chul
    • Chul is a filmmaker and media scholar teaching at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has directed three feature films in Korea: The Return (2017), Mira Story (2015), and Ari Ari the Korean Cinema (2012). Since his debut film, Between Two Worlds (1998), Chul has consistently emphasized the narrative role of sound in cinematic storytelling in all of his films.

Preliminary selection committee members Korean Film

  • 남선우/Nam Sunwoo
    • Nam Sunwoo
    • She is a writer of Korean film magazine Cine21. She also writes on film and film makers for monthly Korean Movie, quarterly Koreana.
  • 이용철/Lee Yongcheol
    • Lee Yongcheol
    • Lee Yongcheol is a film critic who has contributed and lectured for publications and institutions such as Cine21, Korean Film Archive, and Seoul Art Cinema. His articles have been published in Seoul Shinmun, JoongAng Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo, Hankyoreh Shinmun, Morning Calm, ASIANA, and more. He has co-authored books including Bong Joon-ho Code, Horror Films, Filmmakers Talking About Filmmakers, Ordinary Actor: Han Suk-kyu, Giving Memories. Elegy of Violence:Suzuki Seljun, and Ruben Ostlund.