Amusia > 영문_2023_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






Italy | 2022 | 91min | DCP | Color | Fiction | Korean Premiere


​ In a world filled with music, a little girl is born who cannot hear the sounds. The child's disease is called amusia. This disease exists, but no one knows about it, and although it has made her suffer, no one believes her. In her solitary childhood, the child spends her time defending herself from the world's condemnation and prejudice, until finally she runs away from it, arriving in a small, forgotten, and somewhat dreamlike world. Here, a young boy tries to overcome his loneliness through music, and prevents his dreams from disappearing.

Program Note

​ *Amusia is a cognitive impairment in music that prevents the recognition of melody, rhythm, tempo, and other musical elements. In the film, Libya who has struggled due to Amusia in a world that contrasts with his musician father, and Lucio, who has found solace in music as the only legacy from his parents, connect through their shared experiences of different yet similar wounds, silence, loss, and solitude. Through captivating close-up shots that evoke restrained emotions and a meticulously crafted metaphysical cinematic space that transcends time and reality, the film guides us toward the dreamlike encounter between these two characters. (Yoo Sunhee)


  • 마레스코티 루스폴리 / Marescotti Ruspoli
    • Marescotti Ruspoli
    • Born in London but raised in Italy, he chooses to follow this passion and enroll at the Prague Film School. He never stops thinking about his goal: feature films. After creating UMI Fillms, with his lifelong friends and producers Bardo Tarantelli and Lorenzo Fiuzzi, he began shooting his first feature film, Amusia, in October 2021. The film premiered at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in 2022 where it won the Audience Award.