Miho's Journey > 영문_2023_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Miho's Journey





Korea | 2023 | 65min | DCP | Color | Documentary | World Premiere


​ Miho Amari is from Yamanashi, Uenohara, Japan, and now lives in South Korea. She has loved music since she was a child and dreamed of becoming a singer, Miho's journey as a singer and migrant begins.

Program Note

​ Miho, a Japanese woman, met and married her Korean husband in Japan, and now resides in Korea. Though she had dreamed of becoming a singer as a child, she had to abandon her aspirations after settling in Korea. However, she is now on the verge of embarking on a new journey as a singer. Director Shekh Al Mamun, a Bangladeshi immigrant and now a naturalized Korean, presents a candid portrayal of Miho's past and present, with a focus on her relationship with her father and her unwavering dream and passion for singing. He conducts interviews built on mutual trust, capturing the profound emotions found within honest and simple life stories depicted in the film. (Jo Ji-hoon)


  • 섹 알 마문 / Shekh Al Mamun
    • Shekh Al Mamun
    • I was born in 1974 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I came to Korea as a migrant in 1998. And since 2001, I have started the human rights movement for migrant workers. I am currently working as a cultural activist full-time in the Asian Media Culture Factory.