Zillion > 영문_2023_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보






Belgium, Netherlands / 2022 / 138min / DCP / Color / Fiction


​ Antwerp, Belgium, 1997. Based on a true story. Entrepreneur and computer genius Frank Verstraetten loves techno music and nightlife, and is obsessed with showing off his talents. His massive nightclub, Zillion, becomes an immensely popular party destination as soon as it opens. But when Frank forms an alliance with porn kingpin Dennis Black Magic, Zillion takes on a wilder character a wilder edge. But on his way to the top, he encounters two enemies: the police and the local mafia.

Program Note

​ In 1997, the cutting-edge nightclub Zillion was established in Antwerp, Belgium. The owner of this techno sanctuary is Frank Verstraeten, a 27-year-old successful businessman and computer genius. He made an enormous amount of money, and with that money, built Zillion, which became a modern-day Tower of Babel, making himself a deity. The film revolves around Verstraeten's scandal of sex, drugs, techno, politics and crime, and the rise and fall of his success, which reportedly caused a stir in Belgium in the late 1990s. It is a story about the effects money creates and the complexes driven by the hidden forces of desire. (Maeng Soojin)


  • 로빈 프론트 / Robin Pront
    • Robin Pront
    • Robin Pront (1986, Belgium) graduated from the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. His first short film Plan B was released in 2008 and won the award for Best Short Film at the International Short Film Festival Leuven. For MTV he made the short film 19:00(2010). The Ardennes(2015) is his feature film debut.