Bravo My Life > 영문_2023_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Bravo My Life





Korea / 2023 / 29min / DCP / Color / Fiction / World Premiere


​ Ok-bun is an old woman who lives with her two daughters. But for some reason, she's suddenly recognized by her family. She feels helpless, as if her home is not her own and she no longer has a place in it. One day, on a normal day, she decides to leave for Switzerland.

Program Note

​ The movie opens with an old pop song that transports the elderly protagonist back to past memories, offering him a gift of nostalgia. Seeing the faces of family members and nursing home flyers, he longs for adventure. This movie portrays an old man not at the end of his life, but looking forward to future adventures. It challenges the viewer by asking, 'Why should adventure be impossible for the elderly?' Instead of depicting an old man as someone who needs to be taken care of, it's a thrilling film that shows us how the elderly can still be full of life. The natural acting of the two lead actors, who portray friends, is the highlight of this film. (Lee Yongcheol)


  • 김효경 / Kim Hyokyung
    • Kim Hyokyung
    • The director was born in Daegu in 1997. She graduated from the Division of Theater & Film at Cheongju university. Bravo my life is her third short film as a director, following Anyway let me dance(2019) and A bird flies away(2021).