Grave decisions > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
페이지 정보

Grave decisions





독일 | 2006 | 102min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


In a small Bavarian town and a bastion of Catholic tradition, the mischievous 11-year-old Sebastian is shocked to learn the fact that he killed his mother at the age of 0. She died the day he was born. Sebastian is terrified by the thought of spending years in purgatory. Hoping to knock off a few years by doing good deeds, he sets up himself with two missions: becoming the greatest rocker in the world and setting out to find a wife for his dad. The heavens must be listening, since Sebastian’s father and his teacher Veronika both fall madly in love with each other. The only problem is: she is married. Sebastian decides to kill the teacher s husband, though things never quite go the way he intends. With its wry humor that twists sorrow into smiles and a fine performance by a child actor, the film stirs together melancholy, laughter and fantasy into a superb concoction. Juxtaposed against the lovely rural countryside, the original score composed and performed by German musician Gerd Baumann also enlivens the film. While skillfully addressing such heavy issues as death, murder, immortality and purgatory, director/writer Marcus H. Rosenmuller never loses the light-hearted touch. Keep in mind that the original German title translates into


마르쿠스 H. 로젠뮐러

1973년 독일 바이에른 출생. 2003년 뮌헨 영화학교를 졸업했다. 재학 중에 <쿠멜과 콘>(2000), <호텔 디파>(2001), <이것이 인생>(2003) 등의 단편을 연출하며 주목을 받았으며 독일의 노장 감독 요셉 빌스마이어 감독과 다큐멘터리 <손 안의 평화>(2003)를 공동연출하기도 했다. 최근엔 <헤비 보이>(2007)라는 코미디를 완성했다.