Honey and Clover > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Honey and Clover





일본 | 2006 | 115min | 35mm | COLOR | Drama | Musical


Takemoto, a naive and shy boy, and Mayama, who has a crush on a woman who is older than him, are art college students and share the same apartment. They meet Hagumi, niece of Professor Hanamoto and a painting genius. Takemoto instantly falls in love with Hagu but is too timid to reveal his feelings to her. Meanwhile Ayumi secretly loves Mayama who is in love with someone else. One day, eccentric yet brilliant Morita returns from a trip, and the love triangles between these five youngsters get complicated. Based on the hit comic series, the story may be a cliche of youth love but director Masahiro, trained through commercials and music videos, lifts the film out of the banal with his skilled directing and fresh looks. Music director Kanno Yoko’s bright and simple music plays an important role in the storytelling of the film. The theme song ‘Magic Words’ by the famous band Spitz was also popular.


타카다 마사히로

1964생. 1989년부터 CF제작회사에서 기획, 연출 일을 시작, 수많은 CF를 탄생시켰다. 경쾌하고 귀여운 영상을 만들어내는 센스와 15초라는 짧은 시간 안에 인물의 감정과 드라마 마저 느끼게 하는 연출력으로 인기 CF를 차례차례 탄생시키며 국내외의 광고상을 수상했다. 이외에도 일본의 국민그룹 SMAP, 유명 록밴드 L'Arc En Ciel 그리고 YUKI의 뮤직비디오에서도 독특한 영상세계를 보여준 바 있다.