Robot Taekwon V > 영문_2007_영화정보 | 제천국제음악영화제
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Robot Taekwon V





한국 | 1976 | 76min | 35mm | COLOR | Animation | Musical


Dr. Kaff, a world-famous physicist, plans to destroy the world on the account of his hatred that stems from a Napoleon complex. A former colleague, Dr. Kim, tries to fight against Dr. Kaff but dies, leaveing Robot Taekwon V to his son Hoon, a world champion of Taekwondo. Now, Hoon and Taekwon V have to fight together against the evil ''''Red Empire'''' in a desperate bid for world peace. < Robot Taekwon V>, the legendary Korean animation, set records during its theatrical release 31 years ago. However, the film was at risk of vanishing when the original prints went missing on its way to the American market in 1981. Miraculously found by chance and digitally re-mastered, < Robot Taekwon V> rejuvenates childhood memories for adults while offering a rare encounter with the origins of Korean animation to the younger generations. The vivid characters and imaginative plot remain enjoyable despite the heavyhanded anti-Communist ideology (inevitable for nearly all Korean films in the 1970s.) Viewers who grew up in the 70s will find it difficult to stay unmoved during this re**union** between animated heroes and very human fans with each note of the main theme song a step back into time. Choi Ho-seob, the son of the theme''''s composer, recorded the song for this 2006 re-mastered version.



60년대 초 단행본 만화작가 생활을 하며 손오공, 보물섬, 황금박쥐 등 원화제작에 참여하였으며, 71~75년 사이엔 애니메이션 CF 및 문화영화 다수를 제작하였다. 1976년, 첫 장편 애니메이션인 <로보트 태권 V>를 제작하고, 이후 태권 V 시리즈 및 우뢰매 시리즈 등 총 50여 편의 애니메이션을 제작했다. 1999년부터 청강문화산업대학의 컴퓨터게임과 겸임교수로 재직하며 후진 양성에 힘을 쏟고 있다. 2004년 제8회 서울국제만화애니메이션 페스티벌 공로상을 수상했다.